Engaging migrant communities in the promotion of the rights of the child
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By the end of this module you will be able to:
- Recall the legal framework on child protection in France
- Evaluate the legal regulations on child protection in France
- Recognise the national competent authorities on child protection
Legal framework on child protection in France
- Order of February, 2nd 1945, which distinguishes between minor and adult justice
- Law 37/2000, which ratified the Council Directive 94/33/EC
- Decree 110/2000 on the protection of young people at work
- The UNCRC was ratified by France on 7 August 1990
- Article L 4153-1 of the Labour Code, on the prohibition of employment of minors under 16 years old except for internship and learning
- Law 293/2007 on child protection
- The Lanzarote Convention was ratified on September, 27th 2010
National competent authorities on child protection
Type (Public/ CSO) |
Name |
Main services |
Website |
Public authority | Departmental council for situations of concern (CRIP) | 24h hotline (100) / Reports and complaints / the main public authority in managing child abuse cases |
https://www.departement13.fr/nos-actions/enfance-famille/les-dispositifs/la-protection-de-lenfance |
Public authority | Public Prosecutor (Juvenile Court) |
Obtaining forced execution of a measure |
Public authority and associations |
National education- RESF |
Enforcing the right to education |
Associations |
Enforcing the right to education |
https://ramina.fr/https://www.pedagogie.ac-aix-marseille.fr/jcms/c_139708/fr/accueil |
Health | PASS hospital | Permanent access to health care | http://fr.ap-hm.fr/patients-public/informations-pratiques/consultation/pass |
Center for tuberculosis control | TB serology screening | https://www.aixenprovence.fr | |
MDM/MSF/Image santé jeune/Mouvement français pour le Planning familial | Programs for access to health care, nurseries and day-care centers. |
https://www.medecinsdumonde.org/ville/marseille/ https://www.msf.fr/agir/agir-autrement/agir-pres-de-chez-vous |