Engaging migrant communities in the promotion of the rights of the child


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By the end of this module you will be able to:
- Recall the legal framework on child protection in Italy
- Evaluate the legal regulations on child protection in Italy
- Recognise the national competent authorities on child protection

Legal framework on child protection in Italy
- Law 176/1991, which ratified the UNCRC
- Law 285/1997 on the promotion of children’s and adolescent’s rights
- Law 451/1997 on the childhood protection and safeguarding
- Law 269/1998 on the protection of minors against sexual exploitation, pornography and sexual tourism practices
- Law 148/2000, which ratified the Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention
- Law 172/2012, which ratified the Lanzarote Convention for the prevention and protection of sexual violence against children
- Law 77/2013, which ratified the Istanbul Convention on the prevention and combating of violence against women and domestic violence
- Law 199/2015, which ratified the Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography
- Law 47/2017 on the unaccompanied minors and children in migration
- Law 69/2019 (Red Code)aiming to combat domestic violence
National competent authorities on child protection
Type (Public/ CSO) |
Name |
Main services |
Website |
Public authority | Department of Family Policies | 24h hotline (114) / Reports and complaints / the public authority in managing child abuse cases | |
Public authority | Italian Ombudsman/ Ombudsman for Children |
The authority in cases of violation of children’s rights. It functions as a protection and defence mechanism. It collaborates with public services and other authorities to meet the children’s needs. |
https://www.garanteinfanzia.org/ |
Public authority |
Juvenile Courts | Its competences relate to the protection of children. | https://www.commissioneadozioni.it/gli-attori-istituzionali/i-tribunali-per-i-minorenni/ |
Ministries | Ministry of Education | Implementation of programs and collaboration with NGOs and Civil Society for the access of refugee and migrant children to education. Operation of Reception Structures for the Education of Refugee Children. Operation of Intercultural schools. |
https://www.miur.gov.it/ |
Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour |
Responsible for the safe access of refugee and migrant children to services to cover their primary needs in the Reception and Identification Centers, and in other accommodation facilities. | https://www.lavoro.gov.it/Pagine/default.aspx | |
Ministry of Equal Opportunities and Family | Allowances (child, birth). Programs for access to nurseries and day-care centres, adoption and foster care, preschool education and training, research and data center | https://famiglia.governo.it/it/ | |
NGOs | Save the Children Italia | Defending the rights of the children, providing psychological support, medical care, and accommodation. National SOS Hotline 800 14 10 16 Child protection, implementation of education programs, organisation of socio-cultural activities |
https://www.savethechildren.it/cosa-facciamo/progetti/helpline-minori-migranti |